Breakfast was massive and healthy! Blackberries with yogurt and all bran buds, a red pepper frittata with a laughing cow cheese triangle, cole slaw, a brazil nut, and coffee with milk. I did not feel hungry until lunch time.

Like every single Friday my colleagues and I went for lunch together. Today we headed to Bengali Sweets & Restaurant for the first time ( Bengali Sweets & Restaurant is a vegetarian restaurant that has a huge selection of indian sweets (fantastic if you have a sweet tooth but horrible if you are on a diet like me). I had a thali, a meal made up of a selection of small dishes. I managed to avoid rice but I could not resist having a small portion of roti (an indian whole wheat flat bread). The food was not fantastic but it was tasty and authentic. I could not eat it all for the obvious reasons but I ate all the saag paneer. It was my favourite part of the meal. I asked for extra salad and that also helped me not to indulge too much in the rich dishes.
I did not snack during afternoon so I decided to have a berry/yogurt/bran buds concoction in the evening.
I seriously think that I went "over budget" on the calories of my lunch today but I did behaved well during the rest of the day ;)
Tomorrow I will follow up with my GP and see the results of my blood tests. I think that for the first time in my life I am actually hoping that she will find something that can justify my weight gain. I am very curious to see how the results of my thyroid tests came up.
The aftermath for today?
485 calories not counting with lunch
30 minutes of circuit training
8 hours of sleep
4 glasses of water
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