I guess we all set some goals at the beginning of the year (some more realistic than others). Some will stick, but some will eventually fade away or will never come true. It happens to me every single year. Last year I was determined to eat animal protein only 3 days a week.....It is needless to say that it did not work out. This year I decided to change the approach and do something more "realistic". I was aiming at having ONE day per week where I would eat only vegetarian dishes... Needless to say again that it was another flop. The reality is that I am not used to survive on a vegetarian diet. I do eat plenty of veggies but I truly love fish and seafood, and therefore any attempt of going against reality is a waste of my time and energy. Trying to outsmart my own mind, I found a compromise. Why go against nature and try to force myself to become a vegetarian? It is a noble but not very practical idea. Better than fighting against nature, I decided to solidify my good habits. So, my compromise was to eat more fish and seafood than I eat meat and poultry. I don't know if it sounds like a good idea to you, but it definitely pleases me and anything that makes me truly happy has big chances to survive in my life. Today was one of the days that even though I did not have to try hard, I had plenty of fish and no red meat whatsoever.
Accomplishments of the week: I am 3 lbs lighter than when I got my weight down for the first time, and even better, I was able to fit in the same pair of skinny jeans that I was using in the beginning of the diet with only one tiny difference (ONE SIZE SMALLER). I am very happy!!!! The other thing that I have noticed is that my appetite is decreasing lately.
Breakfast was composed of cole slaw, cheese omelet, a Brazil nut, plus coffee with milk.

My snack was a small portion of all bran buds (just to keep the fibre in check). For the ones that noticed that I always have a coffee or a tea in the afternoon, this is a purely social activity. A break for the hectic days, a time to slow down and relax.

Lunch was a big splurge (and I did not feel hungry until 8PM). I had spicy tuna and salmon maki rolls, a salad, and miso soup. so yummy.. I am don't know any great sushi places in Toronto but I don't mind this japanese place called Genji Sushi near my work (https://plus.google.com/103280923182879201076/about?gl=ca&hl=en)

Today I had a drink with a friend after work. You can call it happy hour, I can call it gossip hour, let's talk about guys hour... or whatever else pleases you :)

Dinner was small but delicious. The last piece of salmon from Sunday with cucumber and avocado salad.

The total damage for the day?
1078 calories
0 minutes of exercise (I really did not feel like exercising after skating for 50 minutes yesterday)
7.23 hours of sleep
5 cups of water
1 hour of great conversation with a friend
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