I will start with the low light just to bring some momentum. Even though I thought that I was gaining a lot of lean mass (I do feel super toned lately)... well I did not gain nor lose one pound of lean mass. The trainer told me not to get discouraged because women usually have a harder time to gain lean mass. On the other hand, he congratulated me for losing 2% of my body fat. It probably sounds like not so much but these 2% were translated in the following accomplishments:
- 6 inches around my waist
- 2 inches around my arms
- 4 inches around my thighs
I am so happy and so motivated that I will try to keep up with the good work and push myself to lose this month 4 extra lbs of fat. My goal is to have this accomplished by my birthday. This will require more workouts, 4 days per week when I will eat only up to 900 calories a day, and then have 3 days per week when I can eat from 1200 to 1300 calories (I will leave these for special nights).
Spinach salad with grapefruit, feta, and pecans, an omelet with yellow peppers, a brazil nut, a DanActive with all bran buds, and coffee with milk. That's what I had for breakfast. I'm not a fan of fruit, nor grapefruit but it was not bad because of the Macedonian feta.

Lunch consisted of a halibut fillet and brussels sprouts (but I completely forgot to take a picture- shame on me)
I had more DanActive and all bran buds, and 0% greek yogurt with strawberries and more all bran buds as my snacks.

Dinner was a bowl of daal, and some sparkling water.
I worked out for 40 minutes today and I am feeling very energetic. I cannot wait to hit the gym tomorrow morning!
Congratulations and keep up the great work!