It is NYE! I am very excited about the upcoming new year and all the great things that I will be working towards and conquering in 2013.
Now back to the diet...I know that my calorie count today will be not precise to say the least. After having breakfast, a tiny lunch, and two snacks I have consumed 670 calories. Tonight I am going to Red Fish (feel free to take a look in the menu if you are curious about it http://redfishresto.com/nye/). Reservation is for 9PM (not the best time to eat, but taking into consideration that it is NYE, it is not so bad). I will do my best to behave but it will be a challenge to keep the daily calorie intake to less than 1000cal. The only promise I can make is not to touch pasta and rice, and drink alcohol with moderation. If you see any pasta on my plate when I later post the pictures from the restaurant, rest assured that I will not ingest those.
The upside of today is that I was able to do a lot of physical activities. I was very happy to be back to the skating arena after my broken arm in February. I was able to skate for half an hour, and circuit training for 20 minutes. After dinner we will be heading to a latin dance club, and therefore more chances to burn calories.
The downside is that I was so hungry during the afternoon(still hungry) that I felt lightheaded, dizzy, and having a mild headache. Not very fun but I guess that's what will happen until my body goes into ketosis, which is when the body starts using fat as a source of energy. According to some doctors, when you eat less carbohydrates, you turn to fat for energy, so it makes sense that more ketones are generated. Some of those ketones (acetoacetate and ß-hydroxybutyrate) are used for energy; the heart muscle and kidneys, for example, prefer ketones to glucose. Most cells, including the brain cells, are able to use ketones for at least part of their energy.
My breakfast today was pretty big. I had one blueberry dan active with blueberries, scramble eggs with fresh herbs and a laughing cow triangle, and a cucumber and cherry tomato salad with a pinch of macedonian feta. I also had coffee with 1%milk, and a brazil nut. It was delicious!

The aftermath of my restrictive diet will be hard to be calculated but I will list what I have until now:
- 670 calories
- 20 minutes of circuit training
- 30 minutes of skating
I will be posting the pictures from the dinner later on the evening.
Have a great 2013!
Update on my NYE dinner: Foraged mushrooms, tuna tartare, scallops on parsnip puree (so yummy), black code ( and just for the record I did not eat the noodles that came with the fish), and the dessert I cut in four pieces and only ate one. I had a glass of the Gewurztraminer, and a glass of sparkling with the dessert. I know that I did exceed my 1000cal limit, no doubt about it, but I tried to make good choices and avoid all the stuff that I knew that would bring the level of my insulin up.